Environment and Sustainability Research Group (ESRG)

Where  Materials, Sustainability, and Environment Interact!

Scope of Work

ESRG performs core and critical research in material design, sustainability, and environmental restoration. We correlate material chemistry knowledge in environmental remediation by adsorption and photocatalysis. Moreover, we develop sustainable waste management practices. Our team is currently working on microplastic sequestration and destruction. In addition, we are developing a photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution setup in our lab.

Research Topics and Expertise

Theme 1: Waste valorization to produce functionalized biochar and carbonaceous (graphene oxide) materials.
Theme 2: Design novel co-doped and plasma-functionalized photocatalysts to address bandgap and electron-hole recombination issues.
Theme 3: Sustainable municipal and electrical waste management practices
Theme 4: Microplastic identification and treatment techniques development
Theme 5: Photoelectrochemical hydrogen production

Department of Chemical Engineering, Old Academic Building (OAB), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

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