Ongoing Projects

1. Research on "Establishment of Water Quality Index (WQI) through Principal Component Analysis for the Dhaka-based River"
Principal Investigator: Professor Dr. Md. Shahinoor Islam
Collaborator and Funding Body: Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO) and Ministry of Water Resources, Bangladesh
Project Cordinator: Mr. Kazi Saidur Rahman, SSO, WARPO
Co-Investigator: Mr. Hridoy Roy
Research Assistant(s):
1. Bimol Nath Roy
2. Mahmud Kamal Bhuiyan

2. Research on "Microplastics in River Water and Sediments: Identification, Characterization and Treatment using Electrocoagulation Technique "
Principal Investigator: Professor Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman
Co-Investigator(s). 1. Prof. Dr. Md. Shahinoor Islam)

                                 2. Dr. Rumana Afrin

                                 3. Mr. Hridoy Roy

Collaborator and Funding Body: United International University (UIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Research Assistant(s):
1. Numaer Tahnun

3. Research on "Novel plasma functionalized textile sludge based biochar/metal oxide composites for the treatment of textile wastewater "
Principal Investigator: Professor Dr. Md. Shahinoor Islam
Collaborator and Funding Body:  BANBEIS, Ministry of Education 

Co-Investigator: Professor Dr. Md Tanvir Sowgath

Chief Researcher : Mr. Hridoy Roy

Department of Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka-1000.

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